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Is it too late to celebrate summer?

Of course it’s not!



Even though as I type, we have now passed the halfway point of August, it is STILL summer!


So what are the best bits you will take away from this season? The Olympic wins? The long, lazy days? A special family celebration? A last minute getaway?


For me, the best bits happened early on in summer…when I left my home in Andalucía to drive over 5,000kms up through Spain, France, on to Belgium and then sail across the Channel to England, up to Scotland and back!


My reason for driving so many kilometres? I attended the second year of the wonderful ‘Huisonderwijsbeurs’ (that’s ‘Homeschooling Fair’ for us non Flemish/Dutch speaking folk!) organised by Nomaducation. If you are a homeschooling family, or considering becoming one, and haven’t heard of the event, then do give Nomaducation a follow on all the socials, it was a truly inspiring day, and a very well attended one too. I cannot wait to visit again next year.


It’s curious that many of my students are homeschooled, and across continents. It’s interesting how that appears to have naturally unfolded. I guess it’s that law of attraction, ‘what we emit into the world we receive in return’. Although, I was never homeschooled, and I don’t have children of my own, what I do have, is an unwavering spirit of independence, a love for creativity, freedom and travel. I have an inner driving force for living a better, more fulfilling, less ‘run of the mill’ restrictive life - not being afraid to step out of the norm, try something new and take a (fairly!) considered risk. These are attributes I believe I share with many homeschooling families.


Have you found something unfold for you in life in such a way? Perhaps you set out on one path and it just didn’t seem right, it didn’t work for you for some reason, leading you only to dead-ends, so you turned around and took a different path, this time truly following your values and beliefs, et voila! There are your people!


So, ‘Welcome People’, I’m so very happy we found each other.


Now, as it’s still technically summer as I type this post (even if you’re reading it in the heart of winter, it will do you good to imagine the warmth of the sun on your skin right?!) I want to share with you some fun little summer inspired activities for your children, and their friends too if you wish…after all, sharing is caring!


You can download the Summer Bundle here and don’t forget to head on over to my YouTube channel to enjoy the ’I Spy’ video that sits alongside this activity!


I hope the students in your family enjoy these free gifts from me to you. Do remember to give me a follow on Facebook, Insta and a little ‘thumps up’ when you catch the video on YouTube, these tiny actions help me continue to create free content for those that are unable to stretch to English classes and courses right now, thank you.


Much love,

Laura x